Know Your Rights! UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
A youth-friendly guide to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, created by UNICEF.
« Tu n'as pas l'air autochtone » et autres préjugés
Ce livret reprend et déconstruit les préjugés les plus courants au sujet des autochtones. Il a été produit en collaboration avec l’organisme Mikana. Le livret est accompagné d’une carte situant les 11 nations et centres d’amitié autochtones au Québec.
Fait par Amestie internationale et Mikana.
Indigenous Ally Toolkit
Indigenous Ally Toolkit created by the Montreal Indigenous Community Network.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission - Reconciliation
Learn more about what Reconciliation means, from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Intersectionality Wheel Diagram
An infographic by the Learning Network with a wheel diagram that explains intersectionality. Intersectionality sheds light on how multiple forces work together and interact to reinforce conditions of inequality and social exclusion.
An activity guide by the Legacy of Hope Foundation that promotes awareness of the history and legacy of the Indian Residential School System.
Speaking Rights Sample Toolkit
Human rights education toolkit for youth