How to lead a project

What are Community Action Projects?

Community Action Projects (CAPs) are projects initiated by youth to find solutions to community issues that matter to them. Through a CAP, Changemakers like yourself, can raise awareness, shift attitudes and behaviours, and engage decision-makers to help make communities across Canada more respectful and inclusive.

Click here to see past projects!

5 steps to lead a Speaking Rights CAP

Motivate : Get inspired and inspire others to make a difference. Find a safe and accessible space to gather over good food and good company. Be a good listener, help make introductions, and learn more about the strengths and passions each member of the group will bring to the process

Explore: Map out the key issues and talk about how they are related to inclusion, youth participation and human rights.

Investigate: Zoom in on your topic and target issue and define the change you want to see. Identify the actors in the community that have an influence on your issues and figure out how to include them in your CAP

Take action: Come to a consensus about the tactics you’ll use in your project and develop a concrete plan for taking action. What will you need to for for when? How will you share your project with a wider audience? What challenges will you face and how will you address them?

Evaluate and celebrate: Host a community event to showcase your project! Reflect on what you’ve learned, what impact your project will have and thank everyone who’s been involved.


What are pressing issues youth face across Canada?

Youth and youth-serving organizations across Canada identified issues related to the following 10 topics as being the most pressing for youth in Canada.

If you wish to learn more about the following topics, we have put together resources that can be found here:

Youth spaces Safer and inclusive physical and virtual spaces for youth participation and youth voice within organizations, schools, community institutions, public spaces, or institutional policies.
Violence and bullying Addressing individual, group, and community- level issues related to physical, emotional, psychological violence, cyberbullying, peaceful conflict resolution, gender-based violence,
Gender Equality Promoting greater awareness of and understanding around gender identity, gender expression, and LGBTQI rights
Newcomers and refugees Issues related to migrants, immigrants, refugees, people with precarious immigration status
Reconciliation Rights of indigenous peoples, trauma and healing, decolonial approaches, indigenous and non-indigenous relationship-building, traditional indigenous teachings and spirituality
Mental health Stress, eating disorders, addiction, depression, well being and self-care
Healthy relationships Sexual health, boundaries, interpersonal communication, romantic relationships, friendships, power dynamics, peaceful conflict resolution
Discrimination Addressing stereotypes, prejudices, racism, privileges, and systemic discrimination

Rights and responsibilities Knowledge and action for the promotion, protection and respect for human rights (children’s rights, women’s rights), individual and collective responsibilities for the protection of rights

Identity and self-esteem

Being comfortable with oneself, knowing who you are, where you’re from, understanding how identities are intersectional and complex
Environment The ways in which we can all collectively have an impact on the earth health.


There are many tactics you can use to achieve the change you want to see! Using tactics that are linked to your strengths and passions is a great way to keep you motivated. Which of the tactics below will help you achieve change in your community?

Art: graffiti, theatre, music, poetry
AV (Audio Visual): film, cellphilms, photo, podcast
Print: brochures, posters, zines
Digital: blogs, vlogs, social media, video games
Events: sports tournament, youth forum, community bbq, photo exhibit, conferences
Workshops: trainings, teach-ins, skill sharing
Campaigns: petitions, media campaign, canvassing
Mentorship: role models, youth mentors, intergenerational mentoring
Alliances rallying allies, networks, meeting with key actors