Repaire jeunesse Dawson Boys & Girls Club

About Us

The Dawson Boys & Girls Club is a non-profit organization that provides recreational, educational and preventive programs for the community of Verdun.

Our goal in our youth programs is to provide a safe space for youth to explore interests, foster critical thinking, develop life skills, receive academic support, connect with mentors, interact with peers, increase digital literacy, create social action projects, practice self-care and enhance their abilities.

#NextLevel 2.0

Where are the indigenous youth and the refugee youth hanging out in our community? How can we make our centre more inclusive to welcome them into our activities and programs?

#NextLevel 2.0 aims increase participation of diverse youth (youth of different nationalities, beliefs, and traditions that are living in Verdun/Sud-Ouest) within Dawson’s programming. We will reach out to the organizations that are working within these marginalized, remote communities and form a relationship of trust in order to become allies. We would like to mobilize the community (decision makers, community partners and members) on the lack of services offered to a specific group of teenagers and offer SMART solutions.