How To Address Gender Inequality in Everyday Life
September 17, 2020
“Womens rights are human rights”.
These inspiring words by American politician and lawyer Hillary Clinton remind us that gender equality is a matter of human rights and human dignity. To be a better ally for gender equality, it is important to learn the underlying principles of human rights. You can do your part by using the following resources:
1) Our free online course ‘Put the World to Rights’ is a great way to do so. Enroll yourself today and learn how to analyze current issues such as gender equality using a human rights lens and identify ways to defend, protect, and promote gender equality in your everyday life. This course can be found here!
2) On top of this, you can take the free Canadian government GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis +) Online Course to learn how you can take a more intersectional approach to your everyday work and/or personal knowledge in regards to gender, sex, race, disability, and more! This course can be found here!
3) Equitas also offers 9 great organisational practices that are best to advance gender equality in the work place. These can be found here!