We Capped off our CAP!

April 24, 2018

Hello, good people of Equitas and rest of the world!

So who are we? We are the Immigrant and Refugee Community
Organization of Manitoba and we serve the newcomer population in Winnipeg. We
provide transitional housing for families that have arrived within 6 months, we
provide programming for the entire family as we have programs for children,
youth, and parents. Our programs range from leisurely programs to help new
families discover the city to more educational programs such as English classes
and Asset Building Program to help parents learn about finances in Canada.

We, the After School Program at IRCOM, help support the newcomer
children and youth through various programs including the homework program, employment
program and leadership.

So that's us in a nutshell!

Now, let's move on to our community action project. For our
project, we decided to host a gathering/conference for newcomer youth and
Indigenous youth. The two communities have drawn lies on an assumption that we
have to compete for resources. We wanted to chip away at those misconceptions
and build bridges between the communities. We hoped to bring together the youth
of the communities and change their perceptions of each other so that they can
take it back to their communities and hopefully take it forward with them as
they progress through life.

For the two-day event, we organised activities to get the youth
to understand the history and various experiences of the two groups. We ate
lots of food and we topped it all off with a couple of games and some

It was a beautiful two-day event that brought neighbors together
for the first time.

Cheers to more to come!